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Guest Book

  • Thank you for having this website. My mother-in-law, Donna, just found out last week that she has metastatic liver cancer and I have been trying to read up on it. Your story is truly inspirational for me and I will share it with my family. I will pray for you, Joan.
    Jean Y <>
    Wilmette, IL — Saturday, March 23, 2002

  • I have experienced metastatic liver cancer in my family for the past nine months through my grandfather. My thoughts,prayers and love are with you and your family right now.
    Erin Key <>
    Rainbow City, AL USA — Friday, January 11, 2002

  • Tanner, seeing you yesterday was such a joy, although I could see your sorrow. Please accept my deepest sympathy on the passing of your mother. Your message to her was beautiful and I can add no more... until you meet again. She will always live here with you as you keep her memory alive. This sight is a wonderful tribute to your love for her. Sandy
    Sandy Drake Fox <>
    Cincinnati, OH USA — Wednesday, November 14, 2001

  • Dear Tanner,
    Thank you for sharing this web site with me. The dignity with which your mother decided to take her leave, reminded me of my mothers' battle with cancer and subsquent decision to let life take it's course. I'm sorry for the days ahead of you, but the idea that your parents are dancing in heaven makes me smile and that's good medicine.
    Tracy Johnson

    Tracy Johnson <>
    Cincinnati, OH USA — Friday, October 12, 2001

  • Hi Joanie. I read something really beautiful in the paper today and it brought you back. In the back of the Times "Nation Challenged" section there is always (now) a page of the people who perished in our tragedy here in NYC. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. So one of the women who was mentioned was a mom, and a very good one, it seemed. Her oldest son loved his time after dinner with her the most, where he took over all the cleanup at the expense of his younger siblings getting to take part in their chores as he just loved that private time talking to his mom so much. At the memorial he gave the eulogy, and as he spoke the word "mother," at that very moment a sparrow lit upon his head... the whole room gasped. Helen, Jeanie and Dukie have told me all about your ladybug thing, and now I know when I see one it really is you. Being so close to the bombings in my home city, on the day it happened I found a ladybug--the first in my apt this year--sitting on the back side of a lamp in my livingroom. She (you?) was keeping a low profile. But I got the message. Right? LOVE to you... I miss you alot.
    Kendal <>
    Brooklyn, NY USA — Thursday, October 04, 2001

  • Mom,

    I miss you until I could break Mom...Oh how I've missed our daily phone calls and emails about everything and nothing at the same time. I guess this is my last email that I can send you-Maybe a way to stop the tears for a minute.
    Thank you for teaching us and raising us to know that every day of life is a gift from God. Thank you for being my best and forever friend and loving me more than any child could ever know.
    It looks like our joint 100th birthday party is postponed for now Joanie. I know you and Daddy will have a beautiful retirement together...dancing to Moonriver at Tiffany's under skies that are as perfect as the day you met in New York City...It's still your city. I LOVE YOU BOTH!

    Until heaven,
    Your Helen Tanner

    Helen /Tanner /"Hen"/"Henny Penny" <>
    — Monday, September 17, 2001

  • Dear Family and Friends of Joan,
    I am Sandy Cox's sister and I am so sorry about your loss. I know Joan was very loved and is missed terribly. I heard about her last few moments with you and the way she left for her eternal home, and I pray that that wonderful moment stays with you forever. You will never be closer to heaven than at that moment until it is your time to join her. May God bless your whole family.

    Nancy Hoover <>
    Louisville, KY US — Monday, September 10, 2001

  • My deepest sympathy goes to your family. I knew Joan from the office of the Friend of the Court. She was always so nice -- I looked forward to stopping by and chatting about our children. She was a sweet and lovely lady that will be greatly missed.
    Rhonda Renfro <>
    Versailles, KY USA — Monday, September 10, 2001

  • We were all so very blessed to know Urchie and to have seen her on her recent visit to Connecticut. Why we must lose the wonderful people who enter our lives is one of life's most heartbreaking mysteries, though we are all the better for having her in our hearts. Our prayers and thoughts go out to your entire family. We will always remember Urchie and what she meant to us. The only thing we can know for sure is that God has one incredible new angel in the house!

    With love,
    Matt & Deb Lilly

    Matt & Deb Lilly <>
    Bridgeport, CT USA — Thursday, September 06, 2001

  • Duke,

    We know you and your family will miss her so much! She will be in our prayers.

    All our love,
    Mike, Jenn & Grace

    Mike, Jenn, & Grace <>
    Lexington, KY USA — Wednesday, September 05, 2001

  • My Dear Sweet AJ, I am sitting here thinking about you. Although I can't see you anymore, I can certainly feel your presence.You are seen in the sunrises and sunsets. I see you in the ladybugs, butterlies, and eagles. I feel yourwarmth in the sun and, of course, in the wind that you told me I would feel. Thank you so much for all of the beutiful memories during the month of August. It is quite rare to find someone who prepares for their eternal life with such joy.You taught me more lessons in 25 days than most people learn in a lifetime. I want you to know that as I wear your cross of gold, I will continue to remember the lessons of faith and all of the talks about the love of God. Also, know that when I hug each of my beautiful cousins the cross will be right there, between our hearts. You will never know what an inspiration you have been to me and all those who were fortunate enough to know you. I love you AJ, and can't wait to see you and Dad again. Until then, I want you and Uncle Tracy to dance, dance, dance. Love, Your "Ellie"
    Ellen Richards Brown "Ellie" <>
    versailles, KY USA — Wednesday, September 05, 2001

  • I just want to say sorry to hear that about Joan. I remember her since I was a little girl (now I am 21). She was always there for my mother and I and I would like you thank god for people like her.
    Amanda Sanderson <>
    Louisville, KY USA — Tuesday, September 04, 2001

  • I was very touch when I heard the news about Joan. I live down the street and I would see her walking from time to time. But I also knew her from the Friend Of The Court, she watch my daughter Amanda grow up, She always had advise for me, listen to my problems, and a had a shoulder for my tears. There will always be a place in our heart for her.
    Marshia Sanderson <>
    Frankfort, KY — Monday, September 03, 2001

  • Kids, today during the service I saw allot of Joan Urch in each of you. Kakie your mom used to say you were her worl wind. Today you proved true when you wizzed thru the church door at 10am. I could hear your mom in my head saying see what I mean. Then when Helen read from the bible your mom was right beside you giving you courage to read and not cry. Duke you have always been the man of the family to your mom and it held true again today. You know you were her rock and strength. Jean always remember that this blessed bundle that you are carrying will have one of the best guardian angels around!!!! You mother was one of the most precious people I know and I will truley miss her. She gave me the strength to take care of my 4 children when I thought I couldn't do it. I would look at Joan and think I want to be just like her. I loved her like she was mine and each of you remind me of her in your own way. God Bless you guys!!!!!
    Mary Presley <>
    FRANKFORT, KY USA — Friday, August 31, 2001

  • Dear Kak, Helen, Jean, and Duke,
    What wonderful tributes these messages were to your beautiful (inside and outside) mother. I know they have been and will be a comfort to each of you. You all were so blessed to be together and have these last weeks with Joan. I think God was gracious to you in light of how your father was so suddenly taken from you. I shall be praying for each of you in your loss and grief, but rejoicing with Joan who is at Home with our Lord.
    God bless and comfort you, Ann Mudge

    Ann Mudge <>
    Charlotte, NC USA — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • To all of Urchie's Family,
    I do not think I have the words to express how much of a loss we have all suffered, but I am very glad Urchie was part of my life and we got her to visit recently. She will be sorely missed by my whole family. The only consilation is remembering all the fun and laughter that surrounded her and she brought with her.

    Paul Lilly <>
    Danbury, CT — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • My heart goes out to you all. Helen, you and your mother were such a special part of my childhood. I'll never forget all that your she did for me. She was my second Mom -- someone who had a big impact on the person I am today and someone we are all better people for having known. She will truly be missed.
    All my love, Lisa

    Lisa Murray Powell <>
    Raleigh, NC — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • Duke:
    Your mom was one of the most special people I have ever known. I will always treasure the time that I spent with her. She always made me feel special and if I was having a hard time she could always put things into perspective for me. If I needed a good laugh she could always provide one and was such a joy to spend time with. She was truly a special person and will be greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. Lena

    Lena Simpson <>
    Lexington, KY — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • Duke and family,
    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It is obvious from talking with you and reading this site that your mother displayed an enormous amount of strength and grace in dealing with her diagnosis. Your love and support allowed her to have a peaceful passing.

    Jodi Schwab
    Asheville, NC USA — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • Sorry to hear about Joan. All our love and Prayers.
    Love, John and Kim, Jesse and Sarah, Coop and Linda

    Jesse Whitt <>
    louisville, KY — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • It's me again. I just wanted to say how very sorry I am that Joan has passed. I loved her dearly, and I will miss talking to her. As for you all, my deepest heartfelt sympathy goes out to you, as do my thoughts and prayers. I will be here if you all need anything at all. Take care!!!
    Amy Hadley <>
    Frankfort, KY USA — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • Your Mom was such a joy to know. She was so easy to talk to and helped me get all 4 of my kids grown. When any of my 4 would do something wild in High School, she would be able to tell me "this will pass, just give them all your love and a lot of your time" I hope that I did as good with my kids as she did with her's. Kids, you were blessed with a truly wonderful MOM. She was full of grace, humor and a lot of love. I see her in each of you. All of you have her joy of life, humor, and that great smile.
    Wendy Ford <>
    Lou., KY USA — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • Jeanie,
    my thoughts and love are with you and Duke, Helen, and Kakie. Your mom was an incredible, fun, strong, funny woman who will be greatly missed. I will always have such warm, wonderful memories of her while we were growing up and 'coming of age' in Frankfort. I will miss her dearly. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Love, jen

    Jen Moore Arterburn <>
    Seattle, WA USA — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • Joan is a long time and very dear friend. She was such a lovely and special lady. We have such happy memories of our times together in Connecticut. I can hardly believe the pictures of the children so grown up now, and we think about how cute and fun they were when we were together. Our love and prayers are with you all, and we will miss her so much.
    Joe and Carol Gatto
    Midlothian, VA United States — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • Duke,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Reading the other messages, I can tell that you were blessed with a very wonderful mother who will be greatly missed. Our prayers are with you.

    Buddy, Dena & Brie Montgomery <>
    Frankfort, KY — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • The world is a much sadder place today. Joan was a great lady who touched every person she came in contact with. I am so glad to have known her. She and I kept in touch through email and I am heartbroken that she is gone. However, her memory and spirit will always be with me. Joan Urch is a wonderful woman and will always be an inspiration. My thoughts are with her family, this loss is great.
    Kyle (Ford) Rogers <>
    louisville, KY — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • Oh, Kak--
    I'm so so very sorry about your mama. Love and warmth to Jean, Tanner, Duke, and you, my dollie.
    All my best, Debbie

    Debbie Hawhee <>
    Champaign, IL — Thursday, August 30, 2001

  • Kakie,
    Your mother was such a warm, wonderful person. I feel blessed to have met her. And I know she was so, so proud of you--not just of all your accomplishments, but of the kind, endlessly generous person that you are. I know this first hand. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love, Blakie

    Blake Scott <>
    Gainesville, FL USA — Wednesday, August 29, 2001

  • My Dearest Joan,
    By the time I received this web site you have journeyed forth to be with your precious Lord and Saviour. While my heart is breaking I rejoice with you your love of our God and your joy in the love of your beloved children. I wish that we had gotten to have that visit we talked about. It did not happen. But you are a part of me because you are a part of my past and I have all the hours we spent as young girls togther and all I see is a beautiful blonde girl with laughing, dancing eyes and a smile as bright as sunshine. May you be blessed by Him who we love and may your family be blessed by your spirit and the always continuing love you have for them. In His name, my friend... Love and Peace

    Ann Rhody Hatterick <>
    Frankfort, KY USa — Wednesday, August 29, 2001

  • My dear Joanie.
    How blessed I have been to know you so well, and to share these few intimate times over the years that we shared. I am not sure who I'd be without having known you! Though you are not here with us physically now, I carry you inside and will always remember you. Thankyou for the fun you have shown me in my life, and the inspiration that we can make anytime a good and worthwhile time. I am so grateful to have spent some time with you. LOTS of love and light. Kendal

    Kendal Kelly <>
    Brooklyn, NY USA — Wednesday, August 29, 2001

  • Hi, Joan.
    I wanted to write again to tell you that I do pray for you and your children each day. Also I think of you often during the day and continue to remember things. The other day I was in the SouthPark Mall and thought about our going to the Midnight Madness Sale (you got such a kick out of that) and how you purchased a scarf! I am so glad you are eating that ice cream! Love, Ann

    Ann Mudge <>
    Charlote, NC USA — Wednesday, August 29, 2001

  • Tanner,
    so sorry to hear about your mom. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Sue

    Sue Roettgers <>
    Loveland, OH — Wednesday, August 29, 2001

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